Dr. Sunil Sudhakar PimplikarProfessor

Dr. Sunil S. Pimplikar is currently working as a Program Head with M.Tech Civil (Construction Engineering and Management) at MIT-WPU. He has a cumulative industry, teaching and research experience of 35 years. He is also the Professor and Head of Civil Engineering at MIT- Savitribai Phule Pune University. His research interests are accident studies based on geopathic stress, Total Quality Management in construction (TQM), Contracts Management (CM), Human Resource Development (HRD), Application of Nano Silica in Concrete, Sustainable Construction. He is a member, Board of studies (B. O. S.) in Civil Engineering. He is also the member of the Research and Recognition committee (R & R) for Civil Engineering in SPPU.
He is presently teaching the postgraduate students and guiding their research projects. At present, he is guiding 5 Research Scholars in Civil Engineering under MIT-World Peace University and 3 Research Scholars in Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has published more than 75 research papers in journals and conferences of National and International repute.
Dr. Sunil S. Pimplikar is also a member of the Rotary Club of Pune, Sinhgad Road, and has actively been involved in organizing Rotary youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) competitions for national character building in youth and fostering peace components amongst them.
He has conducted training programmes for the Engineers at Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering (IRICEN) and Leadership Training Programmes for Private firms, based on Stephen Covey’s best seller book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He has worked as a jury member for the Silicon 2016 awards given for residential and commercial projects and for the Well Built Structure Competition (WBSC-2017 and WBSC-2018) awards for Industrial, Infrastructure, Commercial and well mechanized, well equipped categories of construction projects, organized by the Builders Association of India, (BAI) Pune chapter. He has also worked as a Convener for CEMCON-2019 organized by Indian Concrete Institute, Pune Chapter.
He is a Life Member of the Indian Road’s Congress (IRC), Ferrocement Society of India (FSI), Indian Society of Hydraulics (ISH) and Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), Indian Institute of Lean Management (IILM), Indian Concrete Institute.
His hobby is to perform Indian Classical Music on the instrument “Sitar” and has rendered several private programmes for interested music lovers, and teaches peace related subjects at MIT-WPU to postgraduate students.
Research Areas
Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), Geopathic Stress and Road Accidents
1. Babalu Rajput, Pimplikar Sunil (2023), “Thermal Properties of nano-silica added concrete”, Journal of Physics: Conference series, 2426 (1), 012038.
2. Salgude Rohit, Pimplikar Sunil, Kolekar Dipak, Ghanekar Somu (2023), “Investigation for effect of weak electric and magnetic fields at black spots on concrete pavement”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, 77, pp. 805-812.
3. Babalu Rajput, Pimplikar Sunil (2022), “Influence of nano silica on durability properties of concrete”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 7 (2), 180.
4. Bhatt Mitesh, Pimplikar Sunil, Pandey Piyush (2021), “Elimination of Process Wastes in Construction by using Last Planner System”, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 87, pp. 325-333.
5. Salgude Rohit, Sunil Pimplikar, Kunj Patel (2021) “Analysis and Management of Road Accidents Caused due to Pavement Surface Conditions on Expressway” Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 87, pp. 513-521.
6. Babalu Rajput, Pimplikar Sunil (2018), “Application of nanomaterials in concrete – A Review”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamic and Control Systems, 10 (12), pp. 1509-1513."
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