Dr. Sunil Shriram KaradProgramme Coordinator

Dr. Sunil S Karad is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of polytechnic, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Kothrud Pune. He is having more than 29 years of teaching and administrative experiance. He holds M.Sc. PhD. in physics. His research area is synthesis and applications of nanomaterials. His commitment to fostering intellectual growth reflects his belief in the transformative power of education. Hehas published more than 3 text books for diploma engineering students. He was previously servewd as a panel member in faculty selection for DTE and MSBTE. He has prepared curriculums for MSBTE and WPU.He was a external academic monitoring committee member for MSBTE. He was coordinator for government polytechnic distance learning for 8 years. He is a life member of ISTE, New Delhi.
Research Area
Publications List
1. Influence of Al3+-Gd3+ co-substitution on the structural, morphological, magnetic and optical properties of nickel ferrite nanoparticles SB Gopale, MV Khedkar, SA Jadhav, AV Raut, SS Karad, GD Kulkarni, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33 (35), 26544-26563
2. NEP 2020: National professional standards for teachers in India and their significance in 21st century education RD Patil, S Karad International Research Journal of Education and Technology 4 (8), 209-225
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