Awardee Profiles

Dr. Debashis Chatterjee
Dr. Debashis Chatterjee

Director, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode

Prof. Debashis Chatterjee has taught leadership classes at leading global Universities such as- Harvard University, Indian Institute of Management (IIM),Calcutta, Lucknow and Kozhikode for more than two decades. He has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright Fellowship twice for Pre-Doctoral and Post-Doctoral work at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. His published work includes seventeen books including Leading Consciously (Foreword by Peter M Senge), Timeless Leadership (Wiley) that have been translated in several international languages. He has trained more than twenty thousand managers globally in Fortune 100 Corporations and over fifteen thousand school principals and teachers. His recent book Invincible Arjuna has emerged as a path-breaking book in recent times. He has served as leadership coach to political leaders and CEOs of major Indian organizations. He has served as Dean of an international business school in Singapore. A pioneer in the field of Asian models in leadership, Professor Chatterjee served as Director of the Indian Institute of Management,(IIM), Kozhikode (2009-2014) Dean and tenured Professor at IIM Lucknow. Prof. Chatterjee is credited with transforming IIM Kozhikode from an obscure regional school to an institution if national impact and global recognition. He also served as Director General of IMI Delhi, India’s first corporate sponsored business school and as Independent Director on the Boards of several multinational and Indian Companies. Prof. Debashis Chatterjee has been reappointed as Director of IIM Kozhikode for a second 5 years term.

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