Awardee Profiles

Dr. Chandrakant Pandav

Dr. Chandrakant S. Pandav was the Professor & Head of the Department at the Centre for Community Medicine at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He is the founder member and regional coordinator for South Asia of International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders since 1985. He is also on the board of trustees of MAEER’s MIT, Pune <pDr. Pandav completed his MBBS and later MD in Community Medicine from AIIMS, New Delhi and M.Sc from McMaster University Hamilton, Canada. He was former President of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicines. He also held the post as the President of Indian Public Health Association. He has been working in the areas of Iodine Deficiency Disorders, Micronutrients, Health Systems Research, Health Economics, Health Policy & Health Programme evaluation. He is having many awards and honors to his name including the most prestigious Dr. M.K. Seshadri Prize & Gold Medal by ICMR for the year 2000.

Dr. Chandrakant Pandav

President, ICCIDD and Former Professor, AIIMS

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