National Service Scheme

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a flagship programme under the purview of the Government of India, specifically administered by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It is designed to offer invaluable opportunities to the student youth of 11th and 12th grade at the +2 Board level, as well as the student community of technical institutions, graduate, and postgraduate levels in colleges and universities across India. The primary objective of NSS is to facilitate active participation in government-driven community service activities and programmes.

Since its establishment in 1969, the NSS has witnessed remarkable growth, with the number of participating students soaring from 40,000 to an impressive 3.8 million. By the end of March 2018, a multitude of students from diverse universities, colleges, and higher learning institutions had eagerly volunteered to engage in a wide array of community service initiatives.


Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Jagjot Singh -
2 Kaushik Anand -
Undergraduate Programmes arrow-m Postgraduate Programmes arrow-m
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