

Dr. Umeshkumar Bhaiyalal Dubey
Assistant Professor
Dr. Umeshkumar Bhaiyalal Dubey


Dr. Umesh Kumar Bhayyalal Dubey is a highly accomplished researcher and academician with an extensive educational background, including two PhDs and two MBA degrees. With over 15 years of teaching experience, Dr. Dubey has authored multiple books, including "Quantitative Techniques in Business, Management, and Finance" and "Research Methodology: Techniques and Trends," and has another book in progress. He has published four papers in international journals on statistical analysis, research methodology, and business management, including two articles in the Journal of Algebraic Statistics. Dr. Dubey is well respected in the academic community for his contributions to academia.

Research Area
Testing of Hypothesis, Sampling, Descriptive Statistics, Bio-Statistics, Statistics and Probability, Index Number and Attributes, Clinical Trial

1.Dr. Umesh Kumar Bhayyalal Dubey, The Analytical study of Factors responsible for Heart Attack, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC STATISTICS, Volume 13,No.2, 2022,p.382-391, ISSN: 1309-3452 (Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Web of Science Clarivate Analytics)
2.Dr. Umesh Kumar Bhayyalal Dubey, The Interpretation of Statistical Data: Effect of Statistical fallacies, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC STATISTICS, Volume 13, No.2, 2022,p.392-397, ISSN: 1309-3452 (Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Web of Science Clarivate Analytics)
3.Umesh B. Dubey, General Considerations for Research Methodology in Management Decisions, InterStat, (2009), Page 1-13
4.Umesh B. Dubey, General Considerations for Research Studies, InterStat, (2008), Page 1-15.
5.Dr.Umesh Kumar Bhayyalal Dubey, Challenges in Survey Sampling: An Empirical Study, International Conference on Advances in Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences (ICA-PCM-2020), 13th to 16th February, 2020.
6.Umesh Kumar Bhayyalal Dubey and P.L Neulkar, A Study of Operation Management adopted in Textile Mills with reference to MIDC Butibori, Nagpur, IOSRJEN, www.iosrjen.orghttps: // pages/ ICIREST-2019-Archive.html Vol. 1, (2019), Page 60-66

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