

Mrs. Manisha Ravindra Ingle
Associate Professor
Mrs. Manisha Ravindra Ingle


Manisha Ingle is an Associate Professor at the School of Electronics and Communication Engineering. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Electronics from Nagpur University and her Master's degree in Electronics and Telecommunication/Control Systems from the University of Pune.

With over 10 years of experience in academia, her area of specialization is VLSI Design. She is passionate about teaching and mentoring students, and has guided several undergraduate and graduate level projects in her field of expertise.

Apart from teaching, Manisha has also been involved in research and has published numerous research papers in reputed international journals and conferences. Her research interests include low-power VLSI design, digital signal processing, and embedded systems.

With her expertise and contributions to the field, Manisha is a valuable member of the School of Electronics and Communication Engineering at her university."

Research Areas

VLSI Design


"Optimized median filter implementation on FPGA including soft processor - SS Tavse, PM Jadhav, MR Ingle International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 2 (8 … 18 2012

Underwater image restoration based on light absorption- BP Hanmante, M Ingle 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and … 6 2018

Modified demosaicing scheme on FPGA using Xilinx System Generator-CH Dahatonde, MR Ingle 2015 International conference on industrial instrumentation and control … 3 2015

Hardware software co-design for CABAC entropy decoder-V Jain, M Ingle 2016 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT … 1 2016

Face Recognition using Space, Scale and Orientation Domains-RV Nilajagi, MR Ingle"

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