

Dr. Heenakshi Bhansali
Assistant Professor
Dr. Heenakshi Bhansali


Dr. Heenakshi Bhansali is a dedicated researcher with a strong background in various domains of psychology, including neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, and counselling psychology. She has extensive experience in studying the relationship between brain function, personality, and behavior, and is committed to improving the lives of individuals with mental health disorders. Some of her research has been published in psychology and multidisciplinary journals, and she has presented her findings at numerous national and international conferences. As an Assistant Professor, Dr. Bhansali continues to mentor and inspire young researchers in their dissertation research.

Research Areas

Neuropsychology, Clinical and Cognitive psychology, Socio-developmental psychology


1) Efficacy of rational emotive education: Enhancing self-esteem by dealing with irrational beliefs, International Journal of Health Sciences 6 (S1), 12545-12560

2) A comparative study of Internet Addiction among Private and Government school students, Journal of Positive School Psychology, 8864-8866

3)Separation and State Anxiety in Couples Living in Long-distance Relationships During Lock-down amidst COVID-19, Studies in Indian Place Names 40 (93), 10-20

4) BEHIND THE SCREENS, Digital Use and Mental Health"

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