
Dec 23, 2023
One Day Seminar on Generative AI, ChatGPT and Education
One Day Seminar on Generative AI, ChatGPT and Education

Outcome of event:

To explore the intersection of artificial intelligence, particularly Generative AI and its implications on the education system.
To foster a deeper understanding of how emerging technologies like ChatGPT can transform educational methodologies and enhance learning experiences.

Event Summary:

The One-Day Seminar on "Generative AI, ChatGPT, and Education System" was held on 15th December 2023 at Tikona Hall, Chanakya Building, MITWPU Campus. The event brought together experts, researchers, educators, and enthusiasts across university to explore the intersection of artificial intelligence, specifically Generative AI, with a focus on the revolutionary technology of ChatGPT, and its implications for the education system. The seminar was inaugurated at the hands of Prof. Ravi Chitnis, Vice Chancellor, MIT World Peace University and Dr. Vrushali Kulkarni, Associate Dean, External Affairs, School of Computer Science & Engineering

The seminar was structured in three sessions:

10:00 am to 11:00 am: Keynote Session on "Generative AI and ChatGPT" by Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni, AI Coach (Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Generative AI)

A significant portion of the keynote speech was dedicated to understanding ChatGPT and its role in natural language processing. The session delved into the architecture, training methods, and real-world applications of ChatGPT. At the beginning, Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni gave a background of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. He briefed the shift in paradigm from traditional programming to machine learning. Further, he discussed several case studies wherein machine learning is effectively used. Later, he explained large language models and its working. In the end, he guided the audience about use of Generative AI in education.

11:30 am to 1:00 pm: Panel Discussion on "Generative AI and ChatGPT: Applications and Challenges in Education System" The second session was panel discussion on the theme “"Generative AI and ChatGPT: Applications and Challenges in Education System"

The panellists were: 1. Mr. Abhay Pendase, Vice President Engineering & Delivery Head - Data & Analytics, Persistent Systems 2. Mr. Vivek Sadhale, Co-Founder, LegaLogic Consulting - Full Service Law Firm 3. Mr. Madhukar Bhatia, Managing Partner, Pentathlon Ventures 4. Mr. Amit Dhongde, Head of Technology, Bond AI

Dr. Mangesh Bedekar and Mr. Prasad Chitale were the moderators of panel discussion. The panel discussion began with an in-depth exploration of Generative AI, discussing its underlying principles, applications, and potential impact on IT industries. The ethical implications of integrating AI into education were thoroughly discussed. The panellists highlighted the need to establish ethical guidelines and frameworks for the responsible use of AI in education. The panellists recommended to foster collaboration between AI researchers, educators, and policymakers to ensure a balanced and inclusive approach to AI in education.

The panel discussion and interactive Q&A session allowed participants to engage with experts, sharing their perspectives and seeking clarification on various topics. The dynamic exchange of ideas enriched the learning experience for all attendees.

2:00 pm to 4:00 pm: Technical Session on Generative AI and ChatGPT by Mr. Sameer Mardhekar, Senior Tech Leader & Entrepreneur, Co-Founder, Catalysis The technical session explored the potential of AI in automating various processes. The speaker discussed certain case studies in which ChatGPT can be effectively used by teachers in examination processes. He demonstrated how the AI entities could assist teachers in various ways. The session provided a comprehensive overview of Generative AI, with a special focus on ChatGPT's transformative role in the education sector.

In conclusion, the One-Day Seminar on "Generative AI, ChatGPT, and Education System" provided a comprehensive overview of the current state and future possibilities of integrating generative AI into education. The discussions sparked a renewed interest in leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes while raising awareness about ethical considerations associated with AI in education.




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