

Dr. Shweta Yogesh Kukade
Assistant Professor


Dr. Shweta Kukade is a highly accomplished academician who has achieved numerous milestones in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. With over 14 years of experience in teaching and research, she is a highly respected figure in the academic community. In 2022, she received her Ph.D. degree from Pune University, Pune, India, which was the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.

As an Assistant Professor at the School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MITWPU, Pune, India, Dr. Kukade is able to combine her passion for teaching with her love for research. Her research interests are varied and include electronics circuits, mobile communication, Internet of Things, physical layer design, and resource allocation in wireless communication. She has published numerous research papers in prestigious international journals and has presented her work at various national and international conferences.

Dr. Kukade is known for her innovative and insightful approach to teaching and research. Her students benefit greatly from her extensive experience and her ability to connect complex concepts to real-world applications. She is a firm believer in the power of education to transform lives and is dedicated to helping her students achieve their academic and professional goals. With her impressive credentials and unwavering commitment to excellence, Dr. Kukade is a true asset to the academic community.

Research Areas

Wireless Communication / IoT


1. Kukade, Shweta, Mukul S. Sutaone, and Rajendrakumar Patil. ""Uplink transmission with multiuser scheduling in non‐stand‐alone cellular network using virtual MIMO system."" Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 34.1 (2023): e4649.

2. Kukade, Shweta, Mukul Sutaone, and Rajendrakumar Patil. ""Optimal performance of resource allocation in LTE-A for heterogeneous cellular network."" Wireless Networks 27.5 (2021): 3329-3344.

3. Kukade, Shweta, Mukul Sutaone, and Rajendrakumar Patil. ""Multi-user Massive MIMO for Cross-Tiers Interference Mitigation in Heterogeneous 5G Next Generation Network."" 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). IEEE, 2021.

4. Kukade, Shweta Y., M. S. Sutaone, and R. A. Patil. ""Evaluation of SC-FDMA Physical Link Using USRP."" Advances in Communication and Computational Technology: Select Proceedings of ICACCT 2019. Springer Singapore, 2021.

5. Habu, Rohan, et al. ""Smart Face Recognition Based Attendance System Using ML Algorithm."" 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N). IEEE, 2022.

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