Dr. Mahesh Vasantrao KulkarniAssistant Professor

Dr. Mahesh V. Kulkarni is a postgraduate in Mechanical (Design) Engineering and holds a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Savitribai Phule Pune University. Currently, he works as an Assistant Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University in Pune, India, with 24 years of experience. He has authored more than 26 peer-reviewed journal papers and conference proceedings and received a research funding of Rs.1,90,000/- from BCUD-Savitribai Phule Pune University in 2014. Dr. Kulkarni's research interests focus on acoustics, noise control and its applications, vibrations, and mechanical system design.
Research Area
Acoustics and Noise Control, Vibrations, Mechanical System design.
1) Mahesh V Kulkarni, Dr. Ravindra B Ingle, “Validation of set up for experimental analysis of reactive muffler for the determination of transmission loss: Part 1”, Noise & Vibration Worldwide., Vol 49(6) pp.237-240, 2018.
2) Mahesh V Kulkarni, Dr. Ravindra B Ingle, “Attenuation analysis and acoustic pressure levels for double expansion chamber reactive muffler: Part 2”, Noise & Vibration Worldwide, Vol 49(6) pp.241-245, 2018.
3) Parag S. Khanzode, Mahesh V. Kulkarni, “Acoustic Analysis And Optimization Of Double Expansion Chamber Reactive Muffler For Maximum Transmission”, International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol 8(9),pp.2351-2355,2019.
4) Mahesh V Kulkarni, Dr. Ravindra B Ingle, “Acoustic Analysis And Optimization Of Double Expansion Chamber Reactive Muffler using Taguchi Method” Journal of Seybold Report, Vol 15(8),pp 1844-1855,August 2020.
5) Tushar Sonkule1, Suyash Dhadve1, Akshay Shahane1, Yash Malpani1, Mahesh Kulkarni , “Design And Analysis Of Reactive Muffler For Enhancement In Transmission Loss ”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews ,Vol 8(2) pp.870-876,(2021).
6) Mahesh V Kulkarni, Dr. Ravindra B Ingle, “Effect of Extended Inlet and Outlet Lengths on Transmission Loss of Double Expansion Chamber Reactive Muffler” International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol 14(2),pp 135-137,(2022)
7) Abhishek Patil, Parth Salke, Omkar Sangrulkar,Mehul Mitkari,Mahesh Kulkarni, “ Reactive Adaptive Cooling System for CVT of All Terrain Vehicles with Wireless Data Acquisition System ”, Proceedings of the IEEE ,2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT),pp.1-5,(2023).
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