Mr. Amit Liladhar NeheteAssistant Professor

Amit L. Nehete received a B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, India and M.Tech. Degree in Electrical Power Systems from Bharti Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), College of Engineering, Pune, India. He is currently pursuing PhD degree in Engineering from Bharti Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune, India with a focus on developing innovative protection schemes for power systems using non-contact electromagnetic current sensing.
With an academic experience of over 13 years, presently, he is currently working at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT-WPU, Pune, India as an Assistant Professor. He is a research student member of IEEE and a lifetime member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). He has authored several indexed research publications and textbooks in his areas of interest: power system protection, electric vehicles, industrial automation, and energy management. His technical expertise includes MATLAB Simulink and SIEMENS PLCs.
He has taught a variety of courses, including PLC and automation, Mechatronics, Smart grid systems, Linux-based Python, Finance and costing. In addition to his teaching-learning responsibilities, he coordinates the MTech eMobility programme and departmental placements. He is actively involved in mentoring students, coordinating industrial collaborations, and promoting interdisciplinary learning.
As an executive team member of DIPEX, a prestigious state-level exhibition-cum-competition of working models for engineering and agriculture students of Maharashtra and Goa, he has played a vital role in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among engineering students at the grassroot level. He has been deputed by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra several times to contribute to this techno-social activity. He is driven by a vision of nation-building through industry-institute-society interaction.
Research Area :
Power system protection, electric vehicles, industrial automation, and energy management
Publications List :
1. Amit L. Nehete, Deepak S. Bankar, Ritika Asati, Chetan Khadse. Non-contact power system fault diagnosis: a machine learning approach with electromagnetic current sensing. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 36.3 (2024): 1356-1364. http://10.11591/ijeecs.v36.i3.pp1356-1364
2. Nikhar, K., Nimgaonkar, R., Patil, S., Kadu, A., Nehete, A. (2024). Ice Thickness Control Circuit to Automate the Milk Chilling System. In: Khadse, C.B., Kale, I.R., Shastri, A.S. (eds) Intelligent Methods in Electrical Power Systems. Engineering Optimisation: Methods and Applications. Springer, Singapore.
3. R. Asati, D. S. Bankar and A. L. Nehete. Torque Ripple Assessment of Converter Topologies for Switched Reluctance Motor. 2024 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES), Bhopal, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEPES60647.2024.10653612.
4. Ritika Asati, Deepak S. Bankar, Aishwarya Apte, Amit L. Nehete, Yogesh Mandake. Fussy controlled modified reduced switch converter for switched reluctance motor under dynamic loading. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 34.1 (2024): 50-58.
5. Gosula, H.S., Nehete, A.L. (2024). Sustainable Waste Management: An Analysis of Current Practices and Future Prospects. In: Bhardwaj, A., Pandey, P.M., Misra, A. (eds) Optimisation of Production and Industrial Systems. CPIE 2023, NIT Jalandhar. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
6. Amit L. Nehete, Deepak S. Bankar, Ritika Asati, Chetan Khadse. Fault Diagnosis of Power System Component by Wavelet Analysis of Current Signals, 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). IIT Delhi, India. ISBN:979-8-3503-3509-5, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.10307615. (Scopus Indexed)
7. Ritika Asati, Deepak S. Bankar, Amit L. Nehete, Comparative analysis of converter topologies used in switched reluctance motor for high torque electric vehicle application, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 72, Part 3, 2023, Pages 736-740, ISSN 2214-7853,
8. Nehete, A.L., Talewad, G., Khadse, C.B. (2022). Solar Micro-Inverter with Phase Shift Power Modulation and Half Wave Cyclo-Converter. In: Kolhe, M.L., Jaju, S.B., Diagavane, P.M. (eds) Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol 2. ICSTEESD 2020. Springer Proceedings in Energy. Springer, Singapore.
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