Dr. Sachin Jagannath SakhareAssistant Professor

Working as an Asst. Professor, at MIT World Peace University, Department of Education, Pune (MH). He has 17 Years’ University Approval Experience of Teaching at UG, PG level. He has Published 13 Research Paper at peer reviewed journals and 06 Book Chapters in National and International level. He has attended and presented 33 research papers in National, International conferences and seminars. He has attended the Orientation Program and Refresher Program sponsored by University Grant Commission. He acted as an Examiner, Moderator, and Sr. Supervisor for the University Examination. He has a member of State Curriculum Framework by Govt. of Maharashtra. He has a member of Maharashtra Text-Book Bureau (Balbharti). He has a Member of CTE. Acted as resource person for Educational Sociology, Educational Management, National Education Policy 2020, and guided trainee teachers for their pre-service work. He has worked as a PG Research Guide for SPPU, YCMOU Nashik, and MITWPU. Under the PG research guidance more than 72 students completed PG degree. Dr. Sachin aspires to a successful career in Teacher Education. He is ready to learn innovative things and motivate to the Teacher Trainees.
Research Areas
Interdisciplinary Education
1. Patent: “Method for Development of Behavioral Scale for Autistic Children” – Indian Patent No. Application No.202221046222, Publication Date: 16/09/2022
2. Book Published: Inclusive Education, Teaching-Learning Process
3. Book Publication- Title of Book- Inclusive Education- ISBN 978-1-387-49475-0
4. Patient Publication-(4 Faculty Member) Title of Patient- Method For Development of Behavioural Scale for Autistic Children.
5. Article Publication- National Level - Effectiveness of Value Based Education for Distance Learning Students. - ISSN 0973-9483
6. BookChapter Publication- Strategies for Enhancing the Geo-Literacy in 21st Century and Role of Teacher- ISBN 978-0-557-94532-0
7. BookChapter Publication-Effectiveness of Geo-Literacy Program (GLP) through Digital Education for School Teachers’. (ISBN:978-1-387-79710-3)
8. BookChapter Publication- Role of Tech Trends in 21st Century in Development of Geo-Literacy. (ISBN:978-1-387-79710-3)
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