
The Department of Public Health at MIT-WPU is dedicated to advancing knowledge and innovation in public health with a clear mission: ‘Health for all.’ The department focuses on educating students about the socio-economic disparities and their impact on the well-being of populations, as well as addressing public health sector needs in a sustainable manner. Students receive comprehensive exposure to various public health issues and are equipped with research and analytical skills to analyse and address these challenges. They learn to understand the social, economic, and environmental factors influencing public health and gain the skills to develop and implement public health policies and programmes tailored to diverse communities. Students are well-prepared for careers in healthcare administration, policy analysis, public health education, and community health promotion. They possess the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle complex public health challenges in communities worldwide.


Our Objectives

  • To partner with all individuals and organisations who can help students realise their fullest potential.
  • To foster the spirit of scientific inquiry in students, to push the envelope of human knowledge and wisdom.
  • To inspire students to come up with innovative solutions for our world family.
  • To nurture the ability of students to apply scientific knowledge for the well-being of the world.

Major Career Tracks

  • Government Organizations, Corporates/Health- CSR Projects Godrej, Bajaj, Mercedes, Environmental Resource Management.
  • (ERM) International NGOs, MSF, Action Aid, OXFAM, Plan International, International Union for Tb NGOs, SAATHI, Save the Children UN Agencies, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA & UNDP. Academic Institutes, IISc, IITs, NCBS, Universities, IIIM.
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