WPU School of Health Sciences & Technology



Meet the Dean

Dr. Neeraj Mahindroo
Dr. Neeraj Mahindroo


Greetings from Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune India

Department of Pharmacy, MIT world Peace University, Pune, was established in 1997 as MAEER’s Maharashtra Institute of Pharmacy (MIP) and later merged into Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT-World Peace University in 2018. The Department has been ranked in top 100 pharmacy institutes in India by NIRF, Govt. of India for the last four years. It has also been placed into platinum category by AICTE-CII Survey. The Department of Pharmacy is offering programmes at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level in Pharmacy and Clinical Psychology. These include Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm); Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D.) Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharm) in Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and Pharmacognosy; M. Sc. (Clinical Psychology); and PhD programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The B. Pharm programme was1 accredited by the National Board of accreditation (NBA) for five years.

Pharmaceutical professionals are an important part of the healthcare team helping in improving the health and wellbeing of the people. They help provide effective and affordable medicines. The sector was in limelight during the COVID 19 pandemic and India was christened as “Pharmacy of the World” due to its ability to cater to medicine and vaccine needs of the world. The technology and digitilization has created several new avenues to the graduates with excellent career opportunities.

The department is focusing on outcome-based education with clearly defined learning outcomes and graduate attributes. The pedagogy is aligned to meet the objectives with focus on subject knowledge, project-based learning, design thinking, problem-solving, life skills, values, and ethics. The aim is to create lifelong learners to adapt to the fast-changing world where upskilling and reskilling is a norm rather than exception. The department is closely working with the industry for internships, experiential training, and research. The rural, national, and international immersion programmes are designed to expose students to real life problems, cross cultural learning and wider exposure.

As said by Martin Luther King Jr “Intelligence plus character that is the true goal of education” the students are motivated to inculcate social and professional values, and a sense of discipline and character. The peace studies and yoga are integral part of the curriculum to make students physically and emotionally fit and mentally alert. Students are also involved in the community service through activities such as health camps, patient counselling, blood donation and health check-ups.

The Department of Pharmacy provides a unique blend of excellence and commitment in a well-equipped campus with an ambience to nurture learning.

I join my faculty and staff colleagues to welcome to the Department of Pharmacy and to be part of your journey to learn.

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