Abhijit PanseCreative Director and Mentor, DPIFS. Film Director, ‘Thackeray’, ‘RaanBaazaar’, ‘Rege’

The MIT-WPU Dadasaheb Phalke International Film School is a film school with a difference: one that believes in the adage of ‘CLASSROOM TO SET.’ We believe it is important for students of filmmaking to immerse themselves in the real-life experience of a film set from the word go itself. In a professional course such as filmmaking, this is not only desirable but necessary as no amount of simulated instruction can take the place of real immersive learning.
The MIT-WPU Dadasaheb Phalke International Film School sees itself as a catalyst in shaping young filmmakers, screenwriters, sound designers, visual communicators, actors, cinematographers, broadcasters, and film editors of tomorrow. We aim for our students to achieve positions of creative influence in whichever sphere of filmmaking they choose.
Our mantra for our students is to become professionals primed to take on the challenges of the world with a high Emotional Quotient and social sensitivity. Towards this end, we organise immersive events and activities such as workshops, talks, and industry tours that ensure MIT-WPU students get a taste of the 21st-century workspace.
Our BA Filmmaking programme is unique because it is aimed at creating professionals who are trained in the latest global standards and who are connected to their industry seniors. Our programme enables students to become thorough and committed professionals in the fields of film and communication. In a short time, the MIT-WPU Dadasaheb Phalke International Film School has made itself a name in the field of FILMS, BROADCASTING and ADVERTISING. In the years to come, I along with my able and committed team, hope to take DPIFS to even greater heights.