ICSSCC-Call For Special Session

International Conference on Sustainable Smart Computing and Communications

Call For Special Session
Proposals are invited to conduct special sessions as per the following guidelines:
  • Eminent academicians/professors are invited to propose a special session chair for the International Conference on Sustainable Smart Computing and Communications (ICSSCC-2025) scheduled on March 21-22, 2025, in a hybrid format (online and offline). This prestigious conference is organised by the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune.
  • All presented papers will be published in Web of Science-Indexed Journals or Google Scholar-Indexed Peer-Reviewed Journals.
  • You can explore the full details about the conference by visiting the web link https://mitwpu.edu.in/icsscc-2025
The regulations for participating as Session Chair are as follows:
  • Each organised session should have a minimum of 10 papers, and it can be conducted in a hybrid format (online and offline).
  • You are kindly requested to invite, review, and select papers under your supervision for the special session.
  • An author can submit a maximum of 3 papers and must register separately for each publication.
  • The allocated presentation time for each paper is 20 minutes for invited papers and 15 minutes for contributed papers, including the time for questions from the audience.
  • Please submit your special session proposal with the subject line “Proposal for Special Session in ICSSCC -2025” to the conference chairs email at: gopal.sakarkar@mitwpu.edu.in, basant.tiwari@mitwpu.edu.in and bharati.dixit@mitwpu.edu.in by January 24, 2025.
  • Special Session title related to the conference's scope and area along with a short description (5-10 lines) and covered topics.
  • Session organiser(s) and chair(s) with Name, Designation, Affiliation, Address, Website/LinkedIn/ResearchGate/Google Scholar link.
  • Mode of conduct (Online/Offline).
Timeline for Special Session:
  • Send the Proposal by January 24, 2025.
  • Get the Acceptance by January 30, 2025.
  • Invite, review and select at least 10 papers and forward them to the conference committee for approval.
  • Send the author registration details before February 10, 2025.
  • Get the conference schedule by February 18, 2025.

**You are also requested to forward this mail to your colleagues.

Paper Submission Process for Special Session
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