

Mr. Shiv Havgirao Sutar
Assistant Professor
Mr. Shiv Havgirao Sutar


Prof. Shiv H. Sutar is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Engineering and Technology, MIT World Peace University, Pune, India. With over 15 years of experience in teaching, he is a flexible, dynamic, and enthusiastic professional in the field of wireless sensor networks, internet of things, and high-performance computing. He holds a technical background and has delivered lectures on topics such as compilers, operating systems, system software, and IoT. Prof. Sutar seeks challenging positions in technical institutes that require innovation, creativity, and dedication, enabling him to work in a fast-paced and challenging environment.

Research Area
Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, and High-Performance Computing.


1.Integration of Smart Phone and IOT for development of smart public transportation system

2.SH Sutar, R Koul, R Suryavanshi 2016 international conference on internet of things and applications.

3.Congestion Control for Better Performance of WSN based IoT Ecosystem using KHA Mechanism, International Conference IAIM2019, hosted by Sathyabama University Chennai, Scopus IJRTE Journal May 2019

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