

Dr. Girish Sharad Barpande
Associate Professor
Dr. Girish Sharad Barpande


Dr. Girish Sharad Barpande is a multi-faceted professional with diverse interests ranging from aerospace and design to social issues and films. With a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace-Scramjet) from Savitribai Phule Pune University, he has 27 years of professional experience, out of which 24 years are in teaching. His areas of interest and expertise include engineering design, design thinking, computational fluid dynamics, tribology, and total quality management. He has authored 11 research papers in various international journals and conferences. He founded and headed the SUPRA SAEINDIA team at MIT since 2011 with an impressive track record at national and international levels.

Research Area

Engineering Design, Design Thinking, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Tribology


Using Numerical Simulation to Obtain Length of Constant Area Section in Scramjet Combustor, Girish Barpande, Amarjit , S. Pavithran. SAE International Journal of Aerospace, Volume 13, Issue 1 -2020. ISSN: 1946-3855, e-ISSN: 1946-3901, DOI: , Published March 16, 2020 by SAE International in United States.

Using Numerical Simulation to Investigate the Effect of Injection Configurations over the Scramjet Performance, Girish Barpande, Amarjit , S. Pavithran, Materials today Proceedings, ISSN 2214-7853,, Volume 46, Part 10, 2021, Pages 4537-4545

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