Dr. Ashish Haribhau PawarAssistant Professor

Prof. Ashish Pawar is an Assistant Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune. He has 9 years of experience in teaching and research, as well as 1 year of industry experience. Prof. Pawar is currently pursuing his PhD in "Experimental study on Hybrid ECM for machining of High Temperature Titanium alloys" at Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has published more than 10 papers in the field of Robotics, Non-Conventional Machining, and Design and Optimization. Prof. Pawar has also been involved in organizing workshops and conferences, such as SMF2022. He is in charge of admissions-related activities for the School of Mechanical Engineering and is currently guiding the Electric Two Wheeler Team of MITWPU, which won the overall 1st Rank in a competition organized by IIT GOA and ATHER.
1. Overview on electro-chemical machining of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, 2021.
2. Performance evaluation of different hole profiles using 2-D CFD model, Book Chapter in CRC Press, RAMMML, ISBN 9781032441313.
3. Indian Patent- Enhancement in material removal rate and hole quality of titanium aluminide (Light Weight High Temperature Resistance) Material using Hybrid Ultrasonic Assisted Pulse Electrochemical Machining, Patent no- 202221017052.
4. Copyright- Analytical and Experimental Study On Hybrid Electro Chemical Machining Of High Temperature Titanium, Copyright office, Government of India.
5. A State-of-the-Art Review on Robotics in Waste Sorting: Scope and Challenges, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), Springer,2023
6. Modelling and Comparative Study for Deep Groove Ball Bearing Based on Structural Analysis using FE Simulation, JNERS, 2022.
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